8:15 AM : Students may be dropped off at the OMPR entrance located on Sage Terrace NO earlier than 8:15. They will be supervised by teacher aides. At 8:25 AM, students will proceed to their respective classrooms. Kindergarten students will be escorted to their rooms. Please note, parents will NOT be allowed to enter the OMPR.
8:25 AM: The FIRST BELL will ring. Entrances on Sage Terrace, Putnam Road and Huntington Avenue will be opened. Students may enter the building and proceed to their classrooms. Please note, parents will NOT be allowed to enter the building. Families with children on different grade levels may choose to drop off all children at the youngest sibling’s drop off location.
8:29 AM: The SECOND BELL will ring and the Sage Terrace, Putnam Road and Huntington Avenue entrances will be locked. Students arriving after 8:29 AM must enter the building using the main entrance at Sage Terrace, then go directly to the nurse’s office to inform her of their arrival. Please do not drop students off at any of the other entrances without making sure they have entered the building before driving away.
3:00 PM: All grade levels will be dismissed at 3:00 p.m. Families with children on different grade levels may choose to pick up all children at the youngest sibling’s pick up location. Please inform classroom teachers and arrangements will be made for older siblings to go to the appropriate location. Students who are not picked up on time from dismissal locations will be brought to the Main Office at Sage Terrace where they may be picked up.
- Students leaving school early must be signed out by an accompanying adult using the Sign-Out Book located outside the Main Office at the Visitor Management window.
- Please use School Dismissal Manager to make any changes in dismissal arrangements.
- The safety of students is our top priority. We must ensure the smooth arrival and departure of school buses.
- Please adhere to the parking regulations on Putnam, Huntington and Sage - NO PARKING/NO STANDING between 8:00 AM and 9:00 AM and 2:30 PM and 3:30 PM. ABSOLUTELY NO DOUBLE PARKING. Compliance with regulations is expected at all times.
- Students will be dismissed from After-School Clubs at Sage Terrace.
Upcoming Events
- Monday, March 24
- Tuesday, March 25
- Wednesday, March 26