The PTA strives for consistency in message and format in all its communications. Megan Mizukovski, VP of Operations, and Margaret Trenis, VP Communications/Secretary, can assist committees with communications needs. We are available to review & send all communications including letters, emails and flyers, sent by chairs.
Please note that committee chairs are responsible for communication of their committee's activities and events. Communications include updated information for the Greenacres website, dedicated mailings to the parent body, and/or information to be included in the Greenacres Gazette using the Gazette and Website Submission Form
The Gazette is published every Sunday throughout the school year. THE DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION EACH WEEK IS THURSDAY AT 5PM. Please note that submissions are limited to 800 characters of text. We will not upload files or graphics/photos from committees or organizations without special permission. We are, however, more than happy to include a link to your committee or organizations webpage which contains additional information (such as details of events, flyers, etc.). If you believe that is necessary to include a form download or photo/graphic in the Gazette itself, please note this in the "Other Instructions"box on the submission form below and email HERE.



The Greenacres Website is a place for parents and students to go when they want to know what is going on with PTA sponsored activities & events. Please allow a week for website updates to allow for review and revisions. Each committee has a webpage(s) to communicate a variety of information; the purpose & objectives of the committee, activities or events the committee plans on holding and details regarding every activity or event the committee executes. Graphics, photos and other files are permitted on the website. Purchase buttons, sign-up sheets, instructions, and any other detail that is important for parents or students to know about regarding the activity or event is permitted on the website. Please email images as JPGs and purchase information separately to Megan Mizukovski.

During the year, the Scarsdale PTC Council and the seven individual Scarsdale PTA units may distribute information about any school or district-sponsored event, a local event at which school district issues are the primary topic, or any outside organization’s event as long as there is a PTC or PTA liaison on the PTC’s or PTA unit’s executive board and as long as the event topic aligns with the mission of the PTC, PTA, schools and district.

 In order for information to be distributed by a PTA unit’s email system, one of these three conditions must be met:

         1.     It’s a school, district, PTA or PT Council event

         2.     The event has school or district representatives talking about school or district issues

         3.     A PTC or PTA liaison is promoting the event as part of their job description 

   And, both of these conditions must be met:

         4.     The event aligns with the mission of the PTC, PTA, schools and district

         5.     The goal of the announcement is not to fund raise (*see addendum)

PTC/PTAs agree to give notice (*see Addendum) of SHS club, student government and class           activities that are run by students for the involvement of younger students in the district. Note that some PTA units have “grandfathered” a few outside organizations.  Please check with the individual PTA unit.

The inclusion of announcements is at the complete discretion of the PTC and PTAs.  The PTC and individual PTAs reserve the right, at their sole discretion, to exclude, return to sender, edit or otherwise alter all submissions.

Submissions should be reasonable in length and submitted in unformatted text. Text can include a link to the submitting organization’s  website or flyer.  Graphics, such as jpeg files, should be submitted as attachments. All images submitted should be free of copyright restrictions and/or exist in the public domain.  Images are subject to any and all PTC/PTA policies, including the PTC/PTA Photo Policy and Opt Out Form.  

For an announcement to be published, its language should be written in third person voice and provide information and notice only.  Announcements should not be directive or promote fundraising, unless the specific purpose is to support or fund raise for PTC/PTA.  Links to additional information should be to the submitting organization’s website.

 Incorrect:  Please Support the Africa Education Project: During the entire month of January, please donate and help children in Africa. The Interdependence Institute is collecting children’s books, textbooks, school supplies, sports equipment, sneakers/shoes, toys, games, toiletries, cookware and tools. Our goal is to fill a 40-foot shipping container with donations and send it to many rural schools in Africa. Currently, we have 400 boxes of books that  have been donated to our cause in the last two months! Please help us change the lives of thousands of children. Collection boxes will be located at all major entrances in the high school for your donations.

To learn more about our cause visit:

 Correct: Collections to Begin for the Africa Education Project

The Scarsdale Schools Interdependence Institute is collecting children’s books, textbooks, school supplies, sports equipment, sneakers/shoes, toys, games, toiletries, cookware and tools during the month of January for the Africa Education Project. Its goal is to fill a 40-foot shipping container with donations and send it to many rural schools in Africa. These supplies will help change the lives of thousands of children. Collection boxes will be located at all major entrances in the high school.

To learn more, visit the Scarsdale Schools Interdependence Institute webpage at