I am not able to register for ASC, the website won’t let me proceed, how do I fix it?
The PTA website will only allow current PTA members to register for ASC. Dues are paid annually, please ensure you’ve checked out and completed the transaction. Once that transaction is completed, you should be able to register for ASC. Please email if you’re still having trouble.
How will I know if my child got into the clubs we signed up for?
We will publish rosters after each round of registration. Please look for YOUR name - not your child’s.
If there is a weather-related early dismissal from school, is there still ASC?
ASC is canceled when the District cancels school or switches to an early dismissal schedule. All students are dismissed at that time and program chaperones are not present.
ASC is trying to reach me, why?
There are a few reasons we will be in touch during the registration process.
- If a club is oversubscribed, we need to conduct a blind lottery to get the class size within our contracted numbers. In the event your child is not on the final roster for that club, you will receive priority access to register for a different club in the 2nd round of registration.
- If a club has low enrollment, we will be in touch and ask that you help boost enrollment. We recommend reaching out to parents of your children’s classmates and friends to help the community meet the contracted minimum number of students so we can run the class.
- If a club’s enrollment remains too low, we will need to cancel that club and be in touch with you.
I tried to register my child for a Club in the 2nd round but the website says the class is sold out, what can I do?
Please feel free to email us if you’d like to be placed on a wait list.
My child does not like the club, can I have a refund?
The PTA is unable to issue refunds, as we’re in contract with our vendors. When a club has sufficient enrollment, we confirm the numbers with our vendors, enter into a contract and pay the vendor’s session fee based on that enrollment number. We do not get refunded when a student drops out of a club, so we cannot issue a refund after the enrollment period. Please see our ASC policies for more information.
We always recommend your child give the club another try! It is then your family’s choice to have your child attend the club or not. We are happy to discuss any concerns.
We’re new to Greenacres, my child doesn’t know the school, how will they get to the club at the end of the school day?
Our chaperones are on hand to help! Your children will be walked to their designated club room. As the school year progresses, the children take great pride in walking themselves. There are always chaperones in the halls to help.
My child has an allergy and is prescribed an Epi-pen. Do you have access to it?
The usual school medical protocols are NOT in place during After School Clubs, and there is no nurse on duty. There are emergency Epi-pens available in the building, and our chaperones are trained to administer them. Please let us know if we should be aware of any allergies.
I need to pick my child up early from ASC to get somewhere, how do I do that?
We should be notified of any same-day changes by 12pm. We’re not able to guarantee the ASC account is monitored after 12pm. Please email to let us know, we’ll then share that information with our chaperones. Please be sure to arrive no later than 3:50 pm for early pick up.
How do I know where to pick my child up from ASC?
Clubs are assigned specific doors for dismissal. Please be sure to check in with the chaperone at the assigned door. We will share the plan with you prior to the start of the session. We recommend taking a screenshot of the plan for quick reference!
Can my child go home with a friend after ASC?
Yes, please email us to let us know. The adult picking up must ask for each child they’re taking home.
My child didn’t feel well this morning and stayed home from school but is better now, can I drop them off for ASC?
We’re glad they’re feeling better, though ASC is only available for those children who were in school for the duration of the day.
How will my child’s classroom teacher know to not dismiss my child at 3pm?
Classroom teachers are provided this information through School Dismissal Manager (SDM). Please be sure to enter the Club information for each day your child is participating. Recurring dismissals can be set from the drop-down menu.
- Click on the 3 lines in the upper left corner
- Select Recurring Dismissal-> select your child(ren).
- The app will prompt you for a “Dismissal Instruction”. Please select After school Club
- List the name of the club
- Day of the week and dates
- Save.
My child would love to participate in ASC. Is there any financial assistance available?
Yes, we strive to make all PTA-sponsored enrichments available to our entire community.
Please contact PTA President, Tulika Khemani, for more information. All inquiries and/or requests will be held in the strictest confidence.
I have a question for the Club instructor, how can I reach them?
Please feel free to email us, we’re happy to pass on any questions and get back to you.
When does the next semester of ASC start?
The Winter ASC session will run from February 3rd to April 11th, and the Spring ASC session will run from April 21st to June 13th.
Upcoming Events
- Monday, March 24
- Tuesday, March 25
- Wednesday, March 26