Greenacres 2025 Read-A-Thon
We'd like to cordially welcome you to the first-ever Greenacres Read-A-Thon! Students can now register on the website, set their reading goals and collect pledges to support their reading. The Read-A-Thon itself will run from March 3rd to March 16th.
Keep your eyes peeled for the amazing activities we have planned for the students during the Read-A-Thon in March, from special Mystery Celebrity Readers to Dress Like Your Favorite Character (March 14th) and much, much more!
Let's make this the best fundraiser ever, Gators!!
If you have any questions, please reach out to Alison Milam.
The rules
Students can now register and reach out to friends and family to make pledges to support their Read-A-Thon goals.
- Students will log their reading minutes from Mar 3rd to Mar 16th
- School day reading does NOT count
- Homework reading DOES count
- Traditional reading, listening to audiobooks, and having someone read to you DO count
- Be fair and be honest so the competition is fun for everyone
- Most importantly, HAVE FUN!
Top 3 Fundraisers
The three students who raise the most money will each receive an amazing private party at either Mohawk Day Camp or the Bowling Alley at the Scarsdale Golf Club - the student's choice!
Class with the Most Minutes Read
The class in each grade that reads the most minutes will receive a special class event. The students in those classes will be able to vote on the following:
K-2 Winning Classes: A visit from the Great Charlini (magic show) OR a Pizza & Popsicles Party
3-5 Winning Classes: An extra recess session with a special outdoor event OR a Pizza & Popsicles Party
**PLUS: The teacher of each winning class will receive $100 in Scholastic Bucks!
Student with Most Minutes Per Grade
The student in each grade who has read the most minutes will be awarded a $100 shopping spree at Scholastic!
Students that raise more than $50, $100 or $150 will be entered to win a raffle for amazing gift cards to local businesses.
Grand Prize
And....if the school reaches its $25,000 goal....
The teachers are working up the funniest, silliest, most Gator-est award to recognize this amazing achievement if we're able to do it!
- From the Read-a-thon Website, click "Participant Center"
- Click "Register" at the top or scroll to the "Student Registrations" section, select the number of students you plan to register, and click "Add to Cart".
- Go to the cart and click "Check out now". Please note, registration is free! But you do need to go through the "check out" process to finalize your registration.
- Fill in your student's information. PLEASE NOTE: Everyone MUST select their class in order for their minutes read to count towards the class prizes, even though it says "Optional". Also, setting a fundraising goal is not required but will be super helpful for any potential supporters to understand how much they are pledging.
- Click NEXT. You may be prompted to create a log-in if you don't already have a Rally Up account. After this, you'll be able to review your registration. When you're happy with the info, please press "SUBMIT".
- Now, your student is fully registered, and you can customize their fundraising page, as much or as little as you'd like! But most importantly, you can share with friends and family to kick off the fundraising. Please note that when you share the link to your child's fundraising page via "My Account", you'll automatically see a draft email to send out with it. If you'd rather just copy the link to your child's fundraising page, you are also welcome to use the following template or create your own.
Upcoming Events
- Monday, March 10
- Tuesday, March 11
- Wednesday, March 12
- Thursday, March 13