- Any request to cancel a club through January 27th will be subject to a $50 cancellation fee.
- No refunds or credits will be issued for any reason after January 27th.
When a club has sufficient enrollment, we confirm the numbers with our vendors, enter into a contract and pay the vendor’s session fee based on that enrollment number. We do not get refunded when a student drops out of a club, so we cannot issue a refund after January 30th. Please make your choices with care.
- The behavior of children enrolled in After School Clubs must be consistent with the proper behavior expected in the classroom during normal school hours.
- If you question if a club is the right fit for your child in terms of structure or environment, please reach out to us and we are happy to discuss it with you.
- If a child is disruptive (1st offense), the instructor will create an incident report. The instructor will notify the ASC chaperones and parents will be subsequently notified to discuss the nature of the problem and the child will be placed on notice.
- If a child continues to be disruptive beyond the 1st offense and affects the functioning of the club, the child will be removed from all future sessions and no refunds will be given.
- ASC dismissal is at 4:00pm. Please note that ASC dismisses students differently than school hours. Parents and caregivers must check in with the club chaperone stationed at the doors. ASC will send a dismissal schedule with the designated exits for each club before the beginning of each session.
- School Dismissal Manager (SDM) is used for the 3pm dismissal from school. It is important that SDM is updated with your children’s ASC schedule, in order for the school and teachers to know your child will not be dismissed at 3pm. Please set each club as a “recurring dismissal”. The PTA does not have access to this information.
- For the 4:00pm dismissal: please email us with any general dismissal information we should know (e.g. if your child can walk home by themselves) or by 12 pm with any specific dismissal information for that given day (e.g. another parent or caregiver is picking your child up). Please remember that we are parent volunteers, and the ASC email account may not be monitored after 12 pm.
- Please note that families are expected to pick up their children promptly at 4:00pm. Repeated late pick ups may result in your child’s removal from all future sessions and no refunds will be given.
- If you need to get your child early from a club, you must arrive no later than 3:50pm.
- Please remember to take note of the parking rules on Sage Terrace. Parents/caregivers should take care to park only on the LEFT side of the street. There is NO parking allowed on the right side of Sage Terrace after 3:30 pm.
- A child may only attend ASC if they would otherwise be permitted to attend school. If your child did not attend school due to illness or was sent home early due to illness, they may not attend ASC that same day.
- Should any clubs be disrupted, suspended or canceled due to COVID or related operational reasons, the Greenacres PTA may not be in a position to seek refunds from vendors.
- It is also understood that the PTA is not in a position to monitor or verify the health or vaccination status of vendors, instructors, participants or any other person associated with or attending ASC or the premises. Participation in after-school clubs will be at each family’s risk.
- ASC will not run if school is closed early due to inclement weather. All notifications to close school will come directly from the District. Please note that families are expected to pick up their child promptly at indicated early dismissal time. When schools are closed early, childcare and supervision are not available at school.
- During registration, please provide the NAME and PHONE NUMBER of the person who should be notified in the case of an emergency during After School Clubs.
- The usual school medical protocols are not in place during After School Clubs, and there is no nurse on duty. Please list any allergies you would like us to be aware of for ASC during registration. We share that information with our chaperones, who are trained to administer the emergency Epi-pens throughout the building.
- In the case of especially severe allergies, we strongly encourage parents to reach out to us directly so we can properly communicate with our chaperones.
- As a reminder, NO food is permitted in clubs with the exception of cooking classes. NO food is to be consumed in any club, including cooking classes.
I hereby give permission for my child identified in this registration process to participate in the Scarsdale After School Clubs - Greenacres (SASC-GA) programming.
By registering my child for this event, activity, or program, I acknowledge and agree to the following terms:
In consideration for my child’s participation in this event, activity, or program, I agree to forever release and hold harmless the Greenacres Parent Teacher Association, Scarsdale After School Clubs – Greenacres, Scarsdale Council of Parent-Teacher Associations and each of its seven PTA units, Scarsdale Union Free School District, the Scarsdale Board of Education, the Village of Scarsdale, New York State PTA, and each of their officers, directors, board members, trustees, employees, agents, and volunteers from and against any and all liability, damages, losses, expenses, claims, or actions, including but not limited to costs and attorney’s fees, for any actual or alleged injury to any person or persons, including illness or death, and/or damage to or destruction of property, arising out of this event, activity, or program. I acknowledge that participation in this event, activity, or program may be inherently dangerous and involve certain risks or hazards, including physical injury, illness, death, and loss, including those related to COVID-19. By completing this registration process, and in recognition of the known and unknown risks of participating in this event, activity, or program, I attest and verify that my child is physically and medically fit to participate fully in this event, activity, or program for which I seek to register.
By completing this registration process, I further attest that I and my child will abide by any existing or future policies of the SASC-GA, inclusive of refund and behavioral policies, and will strictly comply with any COVID-19 health and safety requirements.
Upcoming Events
- Monday, March 24
- Tuesday, March 25
- Wednesday, March 26